Second, a cleaning tool has been designed consisting of a pump, a tank, and an arm to direct the flow of cleaning liquid. First, an insulator detection and tracking algorithm has been implemented to control the UAV in operation. This paper presents an UAV to autonomously clean insulators on power lines. The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) to reduce the risk of these tasks is rising.

However, these operations involve potential risks for humans and the electrical structure. Nowadays, insulator cleaning is carried out manually by operators using scaffolds, ropes, or even helicopters. The inspection and maintenance tasks of electrical installations are very demanding. The second stage is c ollection the data in the master computer and analysis it, while the final stage determines the coordinates of the location to the missing persons and the best possible way to reach of them. Analyze the data collected in real time, and send a report identifying the safe path that can be taken to reach the missing persons. They represent it in the form of a triangular problem, which included: First, h ow to locate the missing persons and send video broadcasts to a calculator or mobile device remotely. The idea of this work has been developed and implemented. We have designed system that collects real - time data and analyzes in a smart way and utilizes global positioning system (GPS) to locate people and track their impact. So, the idea of using a drone to find missing people was invested. Therefore, the process of finding and tracing the missing persons as a result of a plane crash, fire or explosion in a particular area is a humanitarian and religious and national duty, and is one of the most important issues in our country. The world suffers from a very large number of missing persons, ranging from about 250,000 to about one million people for various reasons in recent years. The thrust areas for future research on NCS have also been identified. Some important practical applications, which have been implemented using NCSs, have also been discussed. This paper also describes the transition of control systems form continuous domain to networked domain, which makes it better than the traditional control systems. The advancement of different control techniques during these phases has been discussed comprehensively.

This division corresponds to the initial status, intermediate status, and the recent status of the developments in the design of NCSs. The evolution of NCSs is broadly divided in three phases, namely NCSs prior to 2000, NCSs during 2001–2010, and NCSs from 2011 onwards. This paper presents an extensive review of NCSs from the perspective of control system design. However, its materialization faces several challenges as it requires the integration of advanced control and communication techniques. An NCS consists of control loops joined through communication networks in which both the control signal and the feedback signal are exchanged between the system and the controller. The NCS has created a paradigm shift in control system technology. Networked control systems (NCSs) are attracting the attention of control system engineers.